
Cormac Russell on Change That Starts with Communities

Cormac Russell was raised on the west coast of Ireland, and now lives in Dublin, although he spends much of his time travelling.  He promotes the idea of Asset-Based Community Driven Efforts, and while some of his work is based...

Sustainable Community Development: From What’s Wrong to What’s Strong

How can we help people to live a good life? Instead of trying to right what's wrong within a community, Cormac argues we need to start with what's strong. We need to help people discover what gifts they have...

The Ecology of Democracy: Five Questions That Aren’t Usually Asked

Kettering Foundation president and CEO David Mathews explains how people and communities can get greater control over their collective future. One way to do this is to ask questions that will reveal new possibilities for acting together on shared...

The Creation of Politics

An animated archetypal flood story that imagines how politics was first created. It counters the idea that public deliberation is some kind of new technique to be used on communities and encourages a notion of democracy that is citizen-centered.   The...

For Communities to Work

Excerpts and illustrations from For Communities to Work, by David Mathews, © the Charles F. Kettering Foundation, posted by permission. To download the complete work click here. Having spent studying communities, the Kettering Foundation, a nonpartisan research organization, has...

12 Thoughts on Inclusive Community Building for 2016

January When we lose the ability to care for our neighbours, we also inadvertently chart a course towards a future wherein that carelessness becomes our inheritance. Neighbourliness is embodied in the practice of welcomiReflectionsng the stranger at the edge, and the...

New Scoop Interviews Member Peter Block

Peter Block is the author of Community: The Structure of Belonging and one of the leading thinkers about community development. We were very excited when he became a member of New Scoop last winter and recently asked him why he joined...

John McKnight: What I Have Learned So Far

John reflects on ABCD's history, practice and future in his keynote address at the 2015 ABCD Festival held in Blackpool, England, to mark the 20th anniversary of the founding of the Asset Based Community Development Institute.   Video by Philip Booth.  

A River Runs through John

Cormac Russell Note: The following is a guest blog written by Al Etmanski ( . Al is a community organizer, social entrepreneur and author. John McKnight is his friend. Al's new book is Impact: Six Patterns to Spread Your Social Innovation. There is a...

Innovation Is Birthed from Disorder

Here’s some advice for the explorer in you who desires to make the world better, particularly the young bright sparks who are just setting out. Trust all your senses. When your experience compels you to seek something different and your...


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Corporate Capture: Can We Find a Way Out?

This article, published originally by Nonprofit Quarterly, from Nonprofit Quarterly Magazine’s summer 2024 issue, “Escaping Corporate Capture.” The aircraft manufacturer Boeing,...