
A Nation of Weavers

"The social renaissance is happening from the ground up."   I start with the pain. A couple times a week I give a speech somewhere in the country about social isolation and social fragmentation. Very often a parent comes up to...

How to Find Personal Gifts without Buying New during the Holidays

As the holidays unfurl, bringing hopes and promises of special flavors, cozy traditions and connection, an urgency also begins to brew within our minds and homes: to buy. At our best, we buy out of our desire to concretely demonstrate...

Attributes, Roles and Culture within Neighborhoods

In a recent podcast by The Neighboring Movement, hosts Adam Barlow-Thompson and Matt Johnson were joined by John McKnight to discuss the six (possibly even seven) attributes of a culture of contribution, how these characteristics in a community could...

Seven Ways to Build the Solidarity Economy

  The solidarity economy is a global movement to build a post-capitalist world that puts people and planet front and center, rather than the pursuit of blind growth and profit maximization. It isn’t a blueprint but a framework that includes...

Peacemaking Powers and the Culture They Create

As we look to the abundance within neighborhoods waiting to come alive, one of the best starting places is to seek out those gifts, skills and talents are possessed by the people who live there. Our first instinct to...

Small Acts of Bravery, Caring and Connection

Small acts of bravery, caring, and connection can heal this pain and weave the future we want This is the Hammonton Health Coalition (HHC) Facebook cover, a colorful picture showing a diverse group of kids, teachers, parents, first responders, and...

A Conversation with John McKnight, Founder of the Asset-Based Community Development Institute

In his teachings and writings, John McKnight, founder and co-director of the Asset-Based Community Development Institute at DePaul University, has echoed Alexis de Tocqueville’s appreciation of the value of healthy civic associations. As coauthor of Building Communities from the...

The Power of Disability

John and Peter Conversation with Al Etmanski In partnership with the Common Good Collective ~ April 27, 2020 About every six weeks for the last six years, John and Peter have hosted conversations with community-building social innovators as their guests. For...

The Invisible Is Becoming Visible

At the start of any asset-based initiatives, the identification of local assets is the essential starting point. Nonetheless, in many neighborhoods, most of these local assets are not recognized. Even though they are present they are not visible. This...

Roundup: Community at Work

Stories from our friends around the globe about how families, neighbors and friends are sharing and caring for one another in the COVID-19 environment. ABCD Instutite Resources & Inspiration for Unleashing Abundance & Community in Times of Crisis   Al Etmanski Love During Adversity...


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Corporate Capture: Can We Find a Way Out?

This article, published originally by Nonprofit Quarterly, from Nonprofit Quarterly Magazine’s summer 2024 issue, “Escaping Corporate Capture.” The aircraft manufacturer Boeing,...