
Reimagining Rural Communities Using ABCD

In the past, rural communities across Canada depended on settlers to build the roads, infrastructure, schools and institutions, business and housing so communities could thrive and be prosperous. Fast forward 100 years and rural communities are now looking to...

Intentional Neighborhoods in Co-Housing

Intentional Neighborhoods in Co-Housing Conversation with Sarah Arthurs ~ September 24, 2019 About every six weeks for the last five years, John and Peter have hosted online / dial-up conversations with community-building social innovators as their guests. For their September 24,...

Practices for Bringing the Co-Housing Concept to Life

Co-housing  has two essential elements—ownership and relationship. To think of it as about land and housing misses the the critical point. It is the relationship of the owners to each other that determines whether the buildings come to life....

Further Up and Further In

Prairie Sky is Alberta’s first cohousing cooperative. Constructed in 2003 in a quiet Calgary neighbourhood not far from downtown, the 18-unit residential development also has a 3,400 square-foot “Common House” for weekly communal meals, informal gatherings, meetings and community...

Re-­functioning: A New Community Development Strategy for the Future

Jamie Vollmer has written a landmark book titled Schools Cannot Do It Alone (Enlightenment Press, 2010). In his book, he has documented the following new functions that have been undertaken by public schools since 1900: From 1900 to 1910, we...

Reimagining Community: Conversation with Mike Butler

An Invitation to Belonging Conversation with Mike Butler ~ August 6, 2019 About every six weeks for the last five years, John and Peter have hosted online / dial-up conversations with community-building social innovators as their guests. For their August 6,...

Finding Abundant Communities in Unexpected Places

Finding Abundant Communities in Unexpected Places Conversation with Mike Mather ~ June 18, 2019 About every six weeks for the last five years, John and Peter have hosted online / dial-up conversations with community-building social innovators as their guests. For their...

Six Principles: Why We Do What We Do and What We Expect from Others

John McKnight has said that he knows of few people who have implemented Asset-Based Community Development more courageously or completely than Mike Mather. Read this excerpt from Mike’s latest book to get a sense of what John means by...

The Major Taylor Bicycle Recycling Center and School

John McKnight has said that he knows of few people who have implemented Asset-Based Community Development more courageously or completely than Mike Mather. In this excerpt from Mike’s latest book, you get a sense of what John means. One Sunday...

Financing a New Housing Paradigm: Dividend Housing

John and Peter talked with social innovator Margery Spinney on May 2, 2019 about how the dividend housing system she invented provides permanent housing affordability and allows residents to add value and receive an economic return on their housing choice....


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Corporate Capture: Can We Find a Way Out?

This article, published originally by Nonprofit Quarterly, from Nonprofit Quarterly Magazine’s summer 2024 issue, “Escaping Corporate Capture.” The aircraft manufacturer Boeing,...