A conversation with Walter Brueggemann at Trinity University’s 2011 Willson Lecture "Our Abundant Communities: Neighborly Nourishment in the Wilderness"
Ferrell Foster (left) and Walter Brueggemann
I'm attending an amazing conference in San Antonio titled "Our Abundant Communities: Neighborly Nourishment in the...
The death of Osama bin Laden completes a painful chapter in our history. The reaction of many is celebration. Some will use this occasion to warn of more fear to come. I, however, would like to take hold of...
John, Peter and Old Testament scholar Walter Brueggemann explore themes of power and patriarchy; human fallibility and gifts; and accumulation and abundance in building and sustaining community in these uncut videos from their two days at Trinity University, San...
We are slowly surrounding our lives with electrical “inputs” called Internet, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, TV, etc. As a result, many people have unwittingly entered a new land where there are no trees, chirping birds, sunsets, stickball, group singing, people...
ABCD in Action is a lively new site focused on ways to apply the principles and practices of Asset-Based Community Development and related strength-based and commonsense approaches. The site’s members now include more than 2,000 practitioners from more than 50 countries...
When I asked John what he would recommend to read, he gave me the six titles in this list. These books all hail from the 1970s — a period in which social institutions in the U.S. were very much under fire. ...
Most of what you read about the field of journalism is grim. Journalists now rank below lawyers as being trusted in the eyes of the public. Print news and TV channels are in a steep revenue decline. We are...
A few weeks ago, I received this email from Dan Oliver of Cleveland, Ohio, asking my thoughts on the role of social service agencies in undercutting the power of families and neighborhoods to solve their own problems:
Dear Mr. McKnight,
When Jennifer mentioned her goal of becoming a community connector in her review of The Abundant Community, we asked her to write a guest blog so others could share and learn from her experiences. Here is her first post.
A plague has descended on many of our neighborhoods. It is a plague intensified by recession, corporate drive for profit and confusion about what government can do that is useful. People are out of work; homes are foreclosed. All the public...
This article, published originally by Nonprofit Quarterly, from Nonprofit Quarterly Magazine’s summer 2024 issue, “Escaping Corporate Capture.”
The aircraft manufacturer Boeing,...