
Social Innovation – Doing More With More

The phrase social innovation is surfacing everywhere.  The European Union has just launched Social Innovation Europe.  The UK has multiple initiatives around social innovation. President Obama has an Office of Social Innovation and Civic Participation. The Canadian Government has established awards for social innovation. ...

Together We Grow Healthy Food, Family and Friends

Reading about the Reevesland Learning Garden in Arlington, VA, inspired Dave Cooper to tell us about a farming project he help to start up in the central part of the state.  Just last week they planted 1,000 sweet potato slips...

Faster Than a Speeding Byte

In 1938 the world was in a depression, war was breaking out in Europe and Al Capone, the gangster, ruled at home. Tough times. In the same year there emerged two comic book superheroes, Superman and Batman. They were...

Notes on Peter Block and “Art Calling Out Empire”

I’m attending an amazing conference in San Antonio titled “Our Abundant Communities: Neighborly Nourishment in the Wilderness.” Here are my notes from Peter Block’s session titled “Art Calling Out Empire.” (The following notes are close to being quotes but there is...

Rediscovering the Neighborhood

My recent book, Missional: Joining God in the Neighborhood, argues that forming a mission-shaped life in our time involves the recovery of neighborhood. Congregations must be re-imagined around the location of their members in neighborhoods. This requires us to...

Guest Blog: Our Second Community Meeting

When Jennifer mentioned her goal of becoming a community connector in her review of The Abundant Community, we asked her to write a guest blog so others could share and learn from her experiences. Here is the latest installment in...

Notes on John McKnight and “The Gift of Fallibility”

I’m attending an amazing conference in San Antonio titled “Our Abundant Communities: Neighborly Nourishment in the Wilderness.” Here are my notes from John McKnight’s session titled “The Gift of Fallibility.” (The following notes are close to being quotes but there is...

The Therapeutic Neighborhood

If you have a deeply troubling personal problem, where do you turn?  To a cleric? A psychologist? A counselor? A therapist? Each is a hired professional with different approaches to our dilemmas. But suppose they didn’t exist. Where would you...

The Last Shot in DC

It is one thing to talk about Abundance, another to actually find it. Susan Doherty's story does that. It briefly chronicles the emergence of talent that in the normal course of events would remain essentially invisible and unrealized. Thanks to the Plexus...

Growing Food, Knowledge and Community

Joan Horwitt is at it again. The founder of LAWNS 2 LETTUCE 4 LUNCH®, an innovative Arlington, VA project designed to help Ashlawn Elementary School students learn about growing and eating healthy foods and to develop new relationships between...


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Corporate Capture: Can We Find a Way Out?

This article, published originally by Nonprofit Quarterly, from Nonprofit Quarterly Magazine’s summer 2024 issue, “Escaping Corporate Capture.” The aircraft manufacturer Boeing,...