
It Takes A Village to Educate a Child

Throughout the United States, local school districts are cutting back on teachers and curriculum while increasing class size.  With our current economy, it doesn’t appear that this trend will soon be reversed. This grim prospect depends upon whether we have...

Six Conversations That Matter: A Quick Review

There is a great deal written and practiced about creating new conversations, all of which is valuable and holds the same spirit as what is outlined here. For example, for some time there has been an important dialogue movement...

Enterprising Economy

The community is the natural nest for hatching new enterprise — it is the birthplace and home of small business, which provides the largest growth in employment. Friends and family often provide the capital and sweat equity to start...

Blessings Revealed

A sought-after mediator, poet, community organizer, and Zen priest, Pua attributes her abilities as a cultural translator to a personal heritage as varied as her homeland, Hawai’i. She’s Japanese, Chinese, Native Hawai’ian, German, and French, and grew up poor...

Support Community-Building Clergy

A convivial friend, Dan Grego, says that the future of our country depends upon whether we can learn how to help each other, outside of the market. One of the most significant reasons that we don’t help each other in...

The Art of Neighboring … Continued

Everyone opened up. I opened up. I opened up my home for the progressive dinner and for Easter too. I never thought to do that before. I kept to myself mostly, maybe saw the neighbors across the street. People...

Rallying the Strength of Community

“The Clearness Committee is not a cure-all,” says Parker Palmer in the excerpt from A Hidden Wholeness we posted recently in The Therapeutic Neighborhood. “But for the right person, with the right issue, it is a powerful way to...

5 Questions to Awaken Your Functional Family

The path to restoring function to the family in a citizen society, not a consumer society, is quite simple. It begins with five questions.   1. What functions can we put back into the hands of young people?  Whether they are our kids...

The Good Life? It’s Close to Home

When family members do not work or live well together we sometimes call the family dysfunctional. We prescribe professional help for the family or advocate for social policies that would support it—child care, parental leave, extended unemployment insurance, debt...

Jill J. Jensen Review: The Answer to How Is Yes

"Getting the question right may be the most important thing we can do," states Peter Block in the opening to Part One of his book, The Answer to How is Yes: Acting on What Matters. "We define our dialogue and, in...


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Corporate Capture: Can We Find a Way Out?

This article, published originally by Nonprofit Quarterly, from Nonprofit Quarterly Magazine’s summer 2024 issue, “Escaping Corporate Capture.” The aircraft manufacturer Boeing,...