
Christmas 2011 — Birth of a New Tradition

  An anonymous email making its way around the Web and into inboxes these last few weeks echoes many of John and Peter’s thoughts on finding a life of abundance “within walking distance.” Searches for the author of the piece...

Welcoming Schools: ABCD in Action

When Ron Dwyer-Voss asked the question "What are the best or most interesting ways you have seen schools become welcoming places that connect with their surrounding communities?" he got an interessting discussion going on ABCD in Action. Here's one reply...

Sweet Potatoes Newest Star of Lawns 2 Lettuce 4 Lunch

Remember Lawns 2 Lettuce 4 Lunch, the Arlington, VA-area initiative founded by Joan Horwitt to promote home-grown healthy foods? It was sweet potatoes harvested by Ashlawn students that starred in Ashlawn Elementary School’s school lunch event in early November. The tubers...

How to Teach Children to Lose by Winning

In his brilliant book No Contest: The Case against Competition, author Alfie Kohn defines competition as the process by which for me to win, you must lose. Our children’s lives are filled with the competitive experience. Most of their activities...

More Health, Less Management, Please

The Columbia Journalism Review included in a recent issue a positive report on how health care is reforming. The report is distributed by the Commonwealth Fund. Well meaning, hopeful by design, but interesting to these eyes for its narrow...

Elementz: A Place for Hip Hop and Respect

Cincinnati teens learn creativity at Elementz by telling their stories through the music, poetry/rap, dance and graffiti/visual arts of hip hop culture. Their Fall 2011 digital newsletter tells the stories of the Elementz Fundraiser at Cincinnati’s Freedom Center, Elementz at...

Bring & Fix

Imagine a “gifts fair” where neighbors share their knowledge and skills with their neighbors. Need a garment hemmed? Want some help preparing a presentation? Looking for gardening advice? Getting people together to work on anything from fixing a flat bicycle...

Little Free Library

A cool and powerful idea is spreading from its small beginning in Hudson WI to neighborhoods from Brooklyn to Sacramento, Portland to New Orleans. It’s called Little Free Library, and there’s even a Little Free Library in Hamburg, Germany...

Leading from the Back and Front…Can It Be Done?

Since October, I've been working to organize a grassroots creative-economy movement in my town, yet finding myself necessary in the "front" as one of the founders of an Arts Collective (Uprise Art Collective). In a nutshell, I'm struggling with the...

The Economy Is in Our Hands, We Just Don’t Know It

If you believe the news, the future of the economy is in the hands of President Obama, Chairman Bernanke of the Federal Reserve, Prime Minister Cameron in Britain,  Italian and Greek debt, the G5, BRIC, and everyone else but...


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Corporate Capture: Can We Find a Way Out?

This article, published originally by Nonprofit Quarterly, from Nonprofit Quarterly Magazine’s summer 2024 issue, “Escaping Corporate Capture.” The aircraft manufacturer Boeing,...