
Time Banking: An Idea Whose Time Has Come

  An event sponsored by a time bank in Lathrup Village, Michigan. Photo courtesy of Michigan Municipal League   Ten years ago, Susan Dentzler of NPR was retained by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation to investigate whether time banking (a system that lets people swap...

Stories from the Lathrup Village Time Bank

Guitar lessons. Computer help. Typing. Sewing on buttons. Cooking a spaghetti dinner. Walking a neighbor’s dog. Cleaning out a basement. These are just a few of the things members of the Lathrup Village Time Bank have done for one...

Join Us for Connecting4Community in Cincinnati in May

On May 3 and 4, community and organizational leaders from all over the world will gather in Cincinnati, Ohio for the inaugural Connecting4Community gathering. The purpose of the event is to gather together people who have been inspired by Peter Block...

Civic Action in Sarasota County, Florida

Mike McGrath describes an innovative model for civic engagement in this blog post for State of the Re:Union. Clearly, Tim Dutton of SCOPE (Sarasota County Plans for Civic Excellence) really gets what a citizen is and uses his offices to promote...

Adelita’s Gift: The Value of Asking the Right Questions

Watch Pastor Mike Mather of Broadway United Methodist Church in Indianapolis tell how one of his congregations started asking different questions, discovered Adele’s gift and got “a lotta great food” as a bonus. Then join the conversation and share your...

Discovering Others’ Gifts: Re-humanizing Our Communities

  The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes, but in seeing with NEW EYES. — Marcel Proust Did over 500 people just open their eyes? Did Core Change Cincinnati just facilitate the collective BLINK of new possibilities? The weekend of...

Change the Story to Change the World

The next five to ten years represent an unprecedented break in the human journey. We are between stories, or the guiding narratives, that serve as beacons for our collective future. For example, the "American Dream" that pulled the U.S....

The Meaning of Citizenship

Mike Fraser draws from Peter’s book Community: The Structure of Belonging, Fareed Zakaria’s The Future of Freedom and Mamphela Ramphele’s Laying Ghosts to Rest in his exploration of the meaning of citizenship in South Africa’s Times iLive. Read Fraser's post at   Related: ...

When I Grow Up: A Six-Year-Old’s Vision of a Gift Community

Social inventors Bill Kauth and Zoe Alowan work at the forefront of the “Gift” movement, traveling the world learning and teaching the concepts and processes of Gift Community. After one of their seminar tours last year, they received this...

A Love Letter to My Neighborhood

This is the complete text and selected photos from April's piece that ran in This Week in Sarasota on Valentine's Day. For the complete picture gallery go to     Ten Things I Love About You: A Love Letter to Gillespie Park   Dear Gillespie...


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Corporate Capture: Can We Find a Way Out?

This article, published originally by Nonprofit Quarterly, from Nonprofit Quarterly Magazine’s summer 2024 issue, “Escaping Corporate Capture.” The aircraft manufacturer Boeing,...