
How Community Action Shapes Health

About every six weeks, for the last five years, John and Peter have hosted online / dial-up conversations with community-building pioneers as their guests. For their June 6, 2017 dialog they invited Deborah Puntenney to share her experiences in...

In Search of the Tie That Binds

One way of classifying associations is in terms of whether or not they are space-bounded. The greatest number of associations are not space-bound. However, our focus has been upon those associations where a neighborhood or small town provides the...

Abundant Communities Initiative Updates ABCD Principles for Municipalities

The Abundant Community Initiative is catching on, with municipalities across North America expressing interest in connecting neighbours. Howard Lawrence, co-founder of the Asset-Based Neighbourhood Organizing Association, says many cities have a long-standing relationship with Asset-Based Community Development (ABCD) and the Abundant Community Initiative is a...

Seize the Opportunity of Crisis to Rebuild Community

When I visited Taiwan earlier this year, I was reminded that the Chinese word for crisis is comprised of two characters, one meaning danger and the other opportunity. In every crisis there is opportunity. Our world is confronted by...

Forget Your Perfect Offering

Forget your perfect offering, advised Leonard Cohen. There will always be another shiny concept or tool so much better than the ones you currently use. And consultants, who describe a perfect world within reach should you decide to hire them. And fundraisers,...

Withering into the Truth

Though leaves are many, the root is one; Through all the lying days of my youth I swayed my leaves and flowers in the sun, Now may I wither into the truth. — William Butler Yeats In a few days, I’ll turn 78. When friends...

Five Keys to Broad and Inclusive Community Engagement

Building strong communities is not easy. In Bowling Alone, Robert Putnam documents the decline of community life in North America. He blames poverty, suburbanization, television, and more time spent at work. Others have added fear, mobility, globalization and increased...

Cormac Russell on Change That Starts with Communities

Cormac Russell was raised on the west coast of Ireland, and now lives in Dublin, although he spends much of his time travelling.  He promotes the idea of Asset-Based Community Driven Efforts, and while some of his work is based...

Strangers Become Family at This Multigenerational Housing Project

Cheryl Crowell and her four boys are known around Bridge Meadows as the "First Family" because they were the first to move in when the community opened in 2011. Left to right: Noah, Cheryl, Joaquin, Tomas, and Eli Crowell....

Nutrition and Nurture Designed for Body and Spirit

The Reverend Angel Garcia Rodriguez is a Spanish priest who is also an innovator and entrepreneur whose nonprofit enterprises are designed to nourish the body and spirit of those in need. He has opened four restaurants called Robin Hood in...


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Corporate Capture: Can We Find a Way Out?

This article, published originally by Nonprofit Quarterly, from Nonprofit Quarterly Magazine’s summer 2024 issue, “Escaping Corporate Capture.” The aircraft manufacturer Boeing,...