
Oakland’s Understory Restaurant Prioritizes People and Community

For decades, neighbors, social scientists and city planners have recognized the critical role of "bumping places" - spots where meeting new and old friends is made natural and easy - for a healthy and vibrant communities. Bumping places are typically...

A Radically Different Take on Responsibility

In this week's feature, co-founder of Zingerman’s Delicatessen, anarchist philosopher and food writer Ari Weinzweig questions our habit of projecting responsibility outward for our lives, communities and society.   A Radically Different Take on Responsibility A small shift in beliefs that can...

A Beautiful Resistance

  This column is a part of A BEAUTIFUL RESISTANCE: Black joy, Black lives, as celebrated by culture columnist Jeneé Osterheldt.   Cole Arthur Riley created a literary communion in Black Liturgies. On Instagram, she’s made a space to lift her innermost thoughts...

Radical Economics: Centering Indigenous Knowledge, Restoring the Circle

The article below concludes Nonprofit Quarterly's series—Narratives to Build Collective Economic Power—which NPQ is publishing in partnership with the national racial and economic justice nonprofit, Common Future. In this series, the authors write about their economic justice work and how, in their work, they...

‘By Any Means Necessary:’ Detroit Neighborhoods Spearhead Unique Food Solutions

"We are the ones we've been waiting for." This Hopi Elders wisdom embodies the spirit of community members across Detroit, Michigan who are taking the initiative to support one another through collecting, sharing, and organizing around one of life's...

The Light of Truth

Author, minister, and liberation coach Courtney Napier illuminates below how the work of undoing racism and inequity is connected to the way in which we choose to conduct our conversations each day. She also invites us to explore three...

How Change Happens over “Pizza and Some Beer”

Democracy Collaborative co-founder Gar Alperovitz talks about how the democratic economy is coming into being during an October 2021 interview with Andrew Van Wagner, who has interviewed a number of leading thinkers for his Substack newsletter. In the interview, Alperovitz points out...

25 Ways to Love Your Neighborhood

Strengthening neighborhoods often comes down to the simple habit of performing neighborly acts of care, love, and attention, again and again over time. This approachable list from The Hopeful Neighborhood Project gives us some practical ways to tap into the...

Dr. Olivia Saunders: Sovereignty and Abundance

Where lies the passage out of an economic and social system rooted in the illusion scarcity and competition, and into a system of living grounded in the reality of abundance and cooperation? Economist Dr. Olivia Saunders invites us to...

Creating Trust: The Unique Power of Associations

  It is not difficult to distinguish the functions of physical tools from each other. No one uses a saw to drive a nail into a piece of wood. Likewise, no one attempts to cut a piece of wood with a...


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Corporate Capture: Can We Find a Way Out?

This article, published originally by Nonprofit Quarterly, from Nonprofit Quarterly Magazine’s summer 2024 issue, “Escaping Corporate Capture.” The aircraft manufacturer Boeing,...