This recent discussion, hosted by Shareable, Resist & Build’s SE Narrative Circle, the U.S. Solidarity Economy Network, and the New Economy Coalition, offers inspiring examples of what community-ownership can look like in practice in our communities.
Imaginal Cells of the...
Community-Driven Philanthropy is a Nonprofit Quarterly series in which movement leaders explore what’s possible if philanthropy adopts a reparative model—one in which it supports the leadership of BIPOC communities, not just by writing grants, but by shifting assets and...
The article below is the fourth in Nonprofit Quarterly‘s series—“Remember the Future: Culture and Systems Change,” co-produced by and NPQ. In this series, queer, trans, and BIPOC artists and cultural bearers reflect upon the unique role that culture has...
"What if you can still feel a sense of justice without reaching out to the legal system? What if you still can have access to healing without punishment? What if this person who harmed you can do the hard...
The Common Good podcast is a conversation about the significance of place, eliminating economic isolation and the structure of belonging.
For this episode, John McKnight & Cormac Russell discuss their new book, The Connected Community: Discovering the Health, Wealth & Power...
What does it mean to heal racial wounds? This complex topic continues to bewilder us as a collective and individually. As we search for tools and tactics for solving the ongoing challenges surrounding race and its history, are we...
How is our relationship with the land tied to our relationships with one another, and the possibility for cultivating strong and nurturing communities? This Land Return toolkit, developed by the Sustainable Economies Law Center, offers a unique perspective on...
Millions of people are celebrating Kwanzaa this week. Founded by Maulana Karenga in 1966, the holiday started out as a cultural celebration for African-Americans and a replacement for what were thought to be non-African affirming holidays such as Christmas....
This selection from the Common Good Collective Reader invites an alternative way of viewing wealth:
Over the next 20 years, between $35 trillion and &70 trillion will change hands from baby boomers to millennials globally. This will be the largest intergenerational...
In this week's article, Amelia Kirby treats us to a glimpse into a robust lifetime blending community building and activism from a personal friend of the great organizer, Helen Lewis.
Helen Lewis has many honorifics, including Doctors of Divinity and...
This article, published originally by Nonprofit Quarterly, from Nonprofit Quarterly Magazine’s summer 2024 issue, “Escaping Corporate Capture.”
The aircraft manufacturer Boeing,...