
Pay It Forward

For years, Hollywood has found inspiration in books. While not all film adaptations do justice to the source material, many expand on the original in ways that create new and compelling experiences of their own. Pay It Forward is such a...

Together? Tis the Season

Thanksgiving, Diwali, Christmas, Hanukkah, Ashura, Bodhi…these are just some of the seasonal celebrations that bring people together to remember, celebrate and enjoy each other. For people like me, who has a community and people to be happy with, it...

Life-Giving Journalism

In Part Two of his interview with Peter Pula of Axiom News, Peter explores how the Axiom approach to investigative journalism is to look for stories that have the capacity to give the community life instead of focusing on its...

44 Ways to Build Community

This thought-and action-provoking list of simple ways to build community is a poster circulating on the Internet. We found it on the Facebook page of GoodSamMinistries of Holland, MI. Home page image: Leo  Reynolds

A World That Welcomes People for Their Gifts

From July 7 – 12, I had the opportunity to attend the Toronto Summer Institute on Inclusion, Diversity and Community for the first time.  I can easily say that it was life-changing experience. The Institute is a gathering of people...

Strawberry Pie and Community Gatherings

Our Ashland Gift Circle has a tradition of surprising people with amazing organic desserts. The evening before meeting there was a request for help washing windows, and the urge to make strawberry pie overtook me. Berries were gathered from...

Beyond Skate Parks: Transforming Communities with Teens

There is no doubt that the teen years are ones of dramatic change for young people and those around them. It is perhaps for this reason that teens are often seen as awkward accessories to our communities – ones...

Designing to Belong (Not Just to Be)

Isn’t it interesting how we sometimes pursue seemingly opposing values in the way we live?  You know, we find ourselves enjoying the biggest, the newest, the most clever and beautiful cutting edge designs, and then almost in the same...

Breathing Life In by Stepping Away

Sometimes the best way to enhance our communities is to step away from them. ... this can provide a means through which we can refresh our thoughts, gain perspective and return with renewed vision and purpose. The business world has...

Change the Story to Change the World

The next five to ten years represent an unprecedented break in the human journey. We are between stories, or the guiding narratives, that serve as beacons for our collective future. For example, the "American Dream" that pulled the U.S....


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Corporate Capture: Can We Find a Way Out?

This article, published originally by Nonprofit Quarterly, from Nonprofit Quarterly Magazine’s summer 2024 issue, “Escaping Corporate Capture.” The aircraft manufacturer Boeing,...