To our Connecting For Community Friends
This week we received the sad news that Angeles Arrien passed away on April 24 of complications from a long bout of walking pneumonia. She will be deeply missed.
For those who wish to honor her...
From tools and food to toys and babysitting, 9 out of 10 Americans say they are willing to share resources with their neighbors. So says a recent survey sponsored by Nextdoor, the free and private social network for neighborhoods.
Being a freelance has unusual perks — like being able to choose your office space for the day on a whim. Lately, I’ve been trying to plant myself in “third places” — spots that lend themselves to interaction among community...
From "Nurturing Our Taro Patches," a column in Hawaii's monthly Paradise Post, by Jimmy Toyama
This month I’m pleased to introduce James Koshiba to you. Until recently James was the Executive Director of Kanu Hawaii, a community building organization of which he...
Sharing stuff and services saves money, but the benefits go far beyond the financial.
When our goal is to own stuff, to amass square footage and cars and boats and electronic devices, our...
Foreword to Deepening Community: Finding Joy Together in Choatic Times, by Paul Born
The idea of community is all around us and increasingly on our lips. It sells real estate, markets social technology, and appears in the mission statements of most...
We are living in chaotic times. Unemployment rates are increasing along with feelings of loneliness and isolation; people live far from family and friends and so, seek care from professionals; neighbourhoods have tall fences, automatic garage doors, and focus social...
“You get food, you get exercise, you get vitamin D … it’s a sense of freedom,” says New York native Ila Falvey in a recent article on community gardening from The Philanthropic Enterprise’s Trends in Innovation series. Falvey was recently elected...
A few years after Judy Wicks opened the White Dog Cafe in West Philadelphia, she hung a sign in her bedroom closet as a daily reminder of what her business could be if she gave it creativity and care....
While we do not wish problems on anyone, we do see problems as a gift that brings people together even though people may be on opposing sides when they gather. Our role is to help them focus on the...
This article, published originally by Nonprofit Quarterly, from Nonprofit Quarterly Magazine’s summer 2024 issue, “Escaping Corporate Capture.”
The aircraft manufacturer Boeing,...