
Valley County: A Great Place to Grow

The Nebraska Community Foundation provides communities with assistance and technical expertise to maximize the effectiveness of community philanthropy and educates donors and community leaders on the impact of grant making on community economic development goals. It currently works with...

Byron: Small Town, Big Dreams

The Byron Community Foundation Fund was established in July 2011.  During its first year the Fund received eighteen gifts of grain worth more than $100,000.  With additional cash gifts and pledges, the Fund raised over $450,000 in less than...

Big Dreams, Big Progress

In Nebraska, a group of visionary volunteers got together to do something about supporting community development in the state’s small towns. Their goal was to raise $25 million in ten years. That was in 1993. Today, the Nebraska Community Foundation...

Turn Up Your Dream Switch

Through a growing network of ambitious people, Nebraska Community Foundation uses shared ideas, resources and experiences to help local leaders unleash the abundant assets and talents within their own place. In other words, they help hometowns turn up their...

Conscious Simplicity

Here are three major ways that I see the idea of simplicity presented in today’s popular media: 1. Crude or Regressive Simplicity The mainstream media often shows simplicity as a path of regress instead of progress. Simplicity is frequently presented as anti-­technology and anti-­innovation,...

7 Practical Ideas for Compassionate Communities, From Free College to Debt Relief

1. 100,000 homes so far Teams of volunteers across the country hit the streets early in the morning to put a name and a face to the long-term homeless in their communities. The volunteers started canvassing at 4 a.m., combing...

Community Health Vital for Healthy People

Leana Wen, MD, an emergency physician who has worked in inner city hospitals in St. Louis, Boston and Washington, D.C., writes in her blog about the painful experience of administering short term fixes to patients whose long term afflictions lie...

Never Underestimate the Power of a Little Lettuce

We did a piece some time ago about Joan Horwitt and her idea to teach school kids how to grow lettuce. Then she gave them all packs of seeds to take home and teach their parents how to do...

Class Warfare on Earth and in Heaven

The phrase “class warfare” may be taken as a descriptive term to identify the power dynamics of politics and economics. “Class” refers most often to the gap between the “haves” who enjoy political leverage and economic advantage over the...

How to Create Possibility for Youth on the Margins

Peter returns to Robert Thompson and Mike Neiss's radio show to talk with Dan Grego, the Executive Director of Milwaukee’s TransCenter for Youth. Peter's introduction summarizes the state of school reform efforts today. The discussion shows how Dan's work is a...


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Corporate Capture: Can We Find a Way Out?

This article, published originally by Nonprofit Quarterly, from Nonprofit Quarterly Magazine’s summer 2024 issue, “Escaping Corporate Capture.” The aircraft manufacturer Boeing,...