
Grace Hearth: A Community Movement Through Soul-warming Food

Keri Keifer and Jocelyn Jackson found cooking as a way to create change by engaging their local community while nourishing their creative souls at the same time. Their distinguished catering company in Oakland, California, sources from local farmers and...

Replace the Gospel of Money: An Interview With David Korten

David Korten began his professional life as a professor at the Harvard Business School on a mission to lift struggling people in Third World nations out of poverty by sharing the secrets of U.S. business success. Yet, after a...

Out of the Box Prize 2015

The Community Tool Box is celebrating its 20th anniversary by hosting an Out of the Box Prize to honor innovative and promising approaches to promoting community health and development happening in communities worldwide. The Grand Prize winner will receive...

Interview with John McKnight

Detail from a graphic record of a facilitated discussion in Vancouver, B.C., in which participants talked about what belonging and community mean. The artists included examples of local community development in the drawing. Illustration by Liz Etmanski and Aaron Johannes/Spectrum...

Pay-What-You-Can Café Gets National Attention

More than a little buzz was created last fall when a story on an unusual restaurant in Norwood aired on National Public Radio’s Weekend Edition Sunday. In fact, the local restaurant featured in the report is so unusual...

Exactly What Are You Committing To?

I first started to write, "I live in a neighborhood that is cut off from a lot of the vibrant life of the city."  But, that's not true. What's true is that I live in a neighborhood that is...

From Sharing Economy to Gift Ecology

Couple weeks back, Sam and I spoke at a local gathering in Oakland. In casual conversation, the convener of our circle, Syra tells us: "I love that so many people are talking about sharing. See, I'm always campaigning for...

Beyond the CSA: Four Ways Communities Support Everything from Books to Beer

Since the first community supported agriculture program was established in western Massachusetts in the 1980s, the concept of buying food directly from local farms has taken off. There are now thousands of CSAs across the country. It’s a simple enough...

What’s Possible When Two Women Step Up to Connect Their Neighbourhood?

Amber Cannon feels most energized when she looks back over the last few months that she’s been active in her community and realizes the mental health issues she’s struggled with in the past have lessened considerably. “Since I’ve been involved...


“I’m incredibly energized by the power of simple things,” Evangeline Hammond says. “By little things having the power to change people’s lives, and bring beauty to neighbourhoods. Soccer programs. Potlucks. Just sharing food.” She’s not talking hypothetically. She’s talking about a...


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Corporate Capture: Can We Find a Way Out?

This article, published originally by Nonprofit Quarterly, from Nonprofit Quarterly Magazine’s summer 2024 issue, “Escaping Corporate Capture.” The aircraft manufacturer Boeing,...