
The Moment for Community Has Arrived

A World Divided Isolation is on the rise in our neighborhoods, institutions, cities, and in the world at large. The extremism and rigid ideology that flood all forms of public conversation are painful to witness and, to my mind, partial...

Community: The Structure of Belonging

Welcome This book is written to support those who care for the well-being of our community. It is for anyone who wants to be part of creating an organization, neighborhood, city, or country that works for all, and who has...

Associating Associations: The Power of Convening

Because most associations are affinity groups of like-­‐minded people, the potential for dialogue about issues is small. The focus of most associational discourse is about how to manifest their like-­‐mindedness. There is, however, a context in which associations engage...

Visionary Leadership in Community Building

How do we create a culture, a way of being together that affirms our relatedness? Peter's conversation with Nicole Farkouh on community and culture in organizations, neighborhoods and beyond ranges into the task of leadership as visionary not role...

How to Connect Neighborhood Churches to Your Local Community

About every six weeks for the last five years, John and Peter have hosted online / dial-up conversations with community-building pioneers as their guests. For their February 20, 2018 dialog they invited Paul Sparks, a leading voice in the growing...

What to Do When the Door to the Status Quo Opens Slightly

There are times when you manage to open the door to the status quo ever so slightly. By status quo, I refer to those organizations and institutions (foundations, big budget non-profits, universities, government ministries, health systems, police departments and so...

Freeing Yourself from the Consumer Culture

In this wide-ranging interview Peter talks with Eric Zimmer, host and producer of The One You Feed, named one of the Best Health Podcasts of All Time by The Huffington Post. Peter discusses some of the big questions he is tackling lately,...

How Neighborhoods and Local Government Can Work Together to Make Both Stronger

About every six weeks, for the last five years, John and Peter have hosted online / dial-up conversations with community-building pioneers as their guests. For their November 6, 2017 dialog they invited Pacific Community Solutions founder Ron Dwyer-Voss to...

The Problem With Problems

At a recent meeting with city managers, I was struck by how universally the focus of relationships with community was “problems.” Certainly, problems are one way of defining a part of the kinds of relationships government or any institution...

Who Has the Skills to Build Community? We All Do

About every six weeks, for the last five years, John and Peter have hosted online / dial-up conversations with community-building pioneers as their guests. For their September 12, 2017 dialog they invited YES! Magazine co-founder Sarah van Gelder to share the stories...


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Corporate Capture: Can We Find a Way Out?

This article, published originally by Nonprofit Quarterly, from Nonprofit Quarterly Magazine’s summer 2024 issue, “Escaping Corporate Capture.” The aircraft manufacturer Boeing,...