Dufferin Grove Park: The Bake Ovens
Building Community with Portable Brick Ovens
Wood-fired Communal Oven In A Park: Why Bother? (Jutta Mason, The Project for Public Spaces)
Home page photo: Friends of Dufferin Park
An event sponsored by a time bank in Lathrup Village, Michigan.
Photo courtesy of Michigan Municipal League
Ten years ago, Susan Dentzler of NPR was retained by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation to investigate whether time banking (a system that lets people swap...
Guitar lessons. Computer help. Typing. Sewing on buttons. Cooking a spaghetti dinner. Walking a neighbor’s dog. Cleaning out a basement. These are just a few of the things members of the Lathrup Village Time Bank have done for one...
The next five to ten years represent an unprecedented break in the human journey. We are between stories, or the guiding narratives, that serve as beacons for our collective future. For example, the "American Dream" that pulled the U.S....
Joan Horwitt’s first idea was to have Ashlawn Elementary School students, teachers and neighbors grow lettuce and greens at their homes and at the school in Arlington, VA.
The former Arlington County teacher, school volunteer and Washington Post dining columnist...
I was in Las Vegas where I discovered a community — once on top of the world — fighting to come back in the wake of the Great Recession. What people in Las Vegas are doing offers a vision of...
Every new year ushers in with it new goals and resolutions made with the intent of betterment for self and community. For those who need a bit of encouragement for 2012 goal setting, State of the Re:Union passes along...
Remember Lawns 2 Lettuce 4 Lunch, the Arlington, VA-area initiative founded by Joan Horwitt to promote home-grown healthy foods?
It was sweet potatoes harvested by Ashlawn students that starred in Ashlawn Elementary School’s school lunch event in early November. The tubers...
If you believe the news, the future of the economy is in the hands of President Obama, Chairman Bernanke of the Federal Reserve, Prime Minister Cameron in Britain, Italian and Greek debt, the G5, BRIC, and everyone else but...
This article, published originally by Nonprofit Quarterly, from Nonprofit Quarterly Magazine’s summer 2024 issue, “Escaping Corporate Capture.”
The aircraft manufacturer Boeing,...