Care of People on the Margin

‘Beloved Community’ is a Present Possibility

As a student of Dr. King, one of the many things I appreciate about him is that he didn’t see “beloved community” merely as a far-off dream, but a present possibility that we should press into existence with the...

The Five Valued Experiences

For years, Tim Vogt and the crew Starfire Council of Greater Cincinnati have been working hard at turning their once-traditional disabilities service agency inside out. Tim explains the journey of thinking that has led them from helping people in...

Seeds of Land Return

How is our relationship with the land tied to our relationships with one another, and the possibility for cultivating strong and nurturing communities? This Land Return toolkit, developed by the Sustainable Economies Law Center, offers a unique perspective on...

Helping the Rich Let Go

  This selection from the Common Good Collective Reader invites an alternative way of viewing wealth: Over the next 20 years, between $35 trillion and &70 trillion will change hands from baby boomers to millennials globally. This will be the largest intergenerational...

Helen Lewis and Community Building in Appalachia

In this week's article, Amelia Kirby treats us to a glimpse into a robust lifetime blending community building and activism from a personal friend of the great organizer, Helen Lewis.   Helen Lewis has many honorifics, including Doctors of Divinity and...

What Does Community Development for Liberation Look Like?

This article, originally published in Nonprofit Quarterly, offers a peek into the tensions and hopes that leaders of national community development organizations grapple with daily, as well as the historical roots of thinking that have shaped their work.   Earlier this...

An Abolitionist Makes a Case for “No More Police”

The demand to “defund the police” asks politicians to go beyond platitudes and actually end the violence of policing, shifting resources in ways that promote the redistribution of wealth. The phrase “defund the police” entered mainstream consciousness during the historic 2020...

An Untold Story: Cooperative Economics and Civil Rights

"In your book, every famous name in Black America speaks out about co-ops. Why isn't this history better known?" asks Laura Flanders in her 2014 interview with researcher and author Dr. Jessica Gordon Nembhard. "Well that was my question, right?...

Creating a Neighborly Vibe

For years, Abundant Community Edmonton has been steadily cultivating a citywide culture and ecosystem of neighborhood connection, caring and belonging, block by block. The founder, Howard Lawrence, was inspired by John and Peter's book The Abundant Community to take...

This Could Be Why You’re Depressed or Anxious

More than ever, we have embraced mental health as a key component of a healthy, good life. But what are we missing when we follow the trail of causes for increasingly common conditions of anxiety and depression? In this...


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Corporate Capture: Can We Find a Way Out?

This article, published originally by Nonprofit Quarterly, from Nonprofit Quarterly Magazine’s summer 2024 issue, “Escaping Corporate Capture.” The aircraft manufacturer Boeing,...