Care of People on the Margin

We Are the Authority

Chicago's Westside Health Authority started a quarter century ago when faced with declining government investment in healthcare neighbors asked, "What can WE do, and do it our way?" Created from the idea that citizens are the best authority on their own...

Do You Know Your Neighbors?

At the close of my first day working for Grassroots Grantmakers I found myself staring at a stack of books my supervisor, Janis, had left for me to read.  I thumbed through a couple of short packets in the...

Building a Healthy and Just Community

"Mike Butler integrates theory and his own practice like no one else," Peter said of the conversation he and John had with the Longmont, CO public safety chief, who has a lifetime of experience creating a restorative community and implementing...

A World That Welcomes People for Their Gifts

From July 7 – 12, I had the opportunity to attend the Toronto Summer Institute on Inclusion, Diversity and Community for the first time.  I can easily say that it was life-changing experience. The Institute is a gathering of people...

The Real Disability Is Disconnection

Pat Worth had been labeled retarded as a child and was living on a park bench when he decided to organize people who shared his experience. The organization he formed is now known as People First. In this video post,...

From Gangs to Gardens: How Community Agriculture Transformed Quesada Avenue

Flowers bloom alongside Quesada Avenue. Photo by Katherine Gustafson.   In 2002, two neighbors armed with spades and seeds changed everything for crime-addled Quesada Avenue in San Francisco’s Bayview-Hunters Point area. The street had been ground zero for the area’s drug trade...

The Institutional Assumption

The “institutional assumption” — for example, thinking in terms of medical care, clinics, insurance, outreach instead of health — is the most consistent failure in our thinking about change. If we start by looking at the condition we're interested in,...

Restoring Lives: Now That’s Justice

It was the summer of 2009. I was on my second day of work for the U.S. Census Bureau, knocking on doors in rural South Carolina. My cell phone rang. It was my supervisor. “Patrice, headquarters called me and told me...

Community Abundance Is Its Gifts

Abundant communities start with making visible the gifts of everyone in the neighborhood—the families, the young people, the old people, the vulnerable people, the troublesome people. Everyone. We do this not out of altruism, but to create the elements...

The Club Is Not the Club

  Home page photo: Schani


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Corporate Capture: Can We Find a Way Out?

This article, published originally by Nonprofit Quarterly, from Nonprofit Quarterly Magazine’s summer 2024 issue, “Escaping Corporate Capture.” The aircraft manufacturer Boeing,...