Modern culture has instilled in most of us an unchecked reverence for the idea of independence. It is a celebrated sign of maturity and accomplishment. A promised path to freedom, and a signal that we have arrived. Soulful teachers,...
In this recent Axiom News podcast, Peter Block and Peter Pula invite us to reconsider our own capacity as the producers of what we so often look to others to provide.
Peter Block says now is a time in which...
In a recent podcast by The Neighboring Movement, hosts Adam Barlow-Thompson and Matt Johnson were joined by John McKnight to discuss the six (possibly even seven) attributes of a culture of contribution, how these characteristics in a community could...
Where do gifts come from? Whether you believe your gifts spring from your genetic makeup, a scientific phenomenon like a “big bang”, or as a gift from a spiritual source, what is undeniable is that you have come into...
As we look to the abundance within neighborhoods waiting to come alive, one of the best starting places is to seek out those gifts, skills and talents are possessed by the people who live there. Our first instinct to...
It is often the habit of organizational professionals who interface with communities to do "to" or "for" local residents. However, when such staff step back from their traditional functions and shift their focus to supporting community members to decide...
In his keynote talk for the Parish Collective’s Inhabit 2020 At Home Conference, John draws on insights from Walter Brueggemann and Dave Chapelle to explain how participants can turn their neighborhoods into sacred places.
When John asked him what makes...
Indianapolis poet and performer Januarie York read Coming to the Stage to open and close John and Peter's August 4 Conversation with DeAmon Harges. Watch the video here.
Coming to the Stage
You don’t have a clue why I do what...
Small acts of bravery, caring, and connection can heal this pain and weave the future we want
This is the Hammonton Health Coalition (HHC) Facebook cover, a colorful picture showing a diverse group of kids, teachers, parents, first responders, and...
Forget everything you thought you knew
who you were
what you wanted
I am here now and it’s all over.
Posted by permission. Image by Tim Noonan
Ownership in a Future That Works for All (Conversation transcript with link to video)
I am US (Hughes)
This article, published originally by Nonprofit Quarterly, from Nonprofit Quarterly Magazine’s summer 2024 issue, “Escaping Corporate Capture.”
The aircraft manufacturer Boeing,...