Financing a New Housing Paradigm: Dividend Housing

John and Peter talked with social innovator Margery Spinney on May 2, 2019 about how the dividend housing system she invented provides permanent housing affordability and allows residents to add value and receive an economic return on their housing choice. In the process, they build community by working together toward common goals.

In their conversation Margie showed a couple of slides from her presentation on how dividend housing works. In response to requests from several participants, she agreed to have us post them.

See the slides here.




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About the Lead Author

Margery Spinney
Margery Spinney
Margery Spinney has inspired hundreds of housing residents to participate and achieve success using community-based management principles and practices she designed. Margery developed the nonprofit Cornerstone Corporation for Shared Equity where she created the concept of renter equity. At Cornerstone, she managed its Loan Fund capitalized by socially conscious investors and introduced property management and housing development innovations to the organization's functions. She also co-founded Renting Partnerships in order to stimulate, standardize and support expansion of these practices. Today, Renting Partnerships addresses both the cycle of poverty and wealth inequality by acquiring housing, keeping it in common ownership, and empowering residents to build wealth through participation in management. Read about the success of the renter equity approach documented by the independent evaluation of Cornerstone Renter Equity here.

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