Days in the Park

Invite them and they will come. Part of our marketing campaign to attract people to our annual city park festival involved distributing fliers door-to-door to our city of 5,750 residents.

A group of volunteers took the initiative to not only toss the fliers onto the porches of homes but to make the effort to knock on the doors of residents and extend a personal invitation for them to attend the festival. An additional effort was also made to invite a neighboring community.

The results were overwhelming. An estimated 6,000 people attended this community gathering, in effect doubling the size of our city population for the weekend. Never before have so many gathered in our community for one event.

Personally invite them and they will come…

~  Shawn  ~

About the Lead Author

Shawn Gavin
Shawn Gavin
From Shawn's first blog: Recently, I created an opportunity to make a difference in my community. I ran for city council and won! Although political campaigning and holding public office is not on my resume, I have marketing experience, enthusiasm and passion. Add a dash of magic and maybe a little something special can be created in our community.

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