Cormac Russell’s recent post, Community Building and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance, reminded John of what Alexis de Tocqueville called the productive and almost unimaginable power of American associations.
“Our community abundance is revealed,” John said, “when we see how many people at the margins have great desire and capacity to help. Bikers against Child Abuse is a case in point — machoism inverted!”
BACA has chapters all over cooperating with kids, agencies, police and courts to keep children safe from harm. “We will do whatever it takes for these kids to not be afraid anymore,” says John Paul “Chief” Lilly, the clinical social worker and play therapist who founded BACA in 1995.
Watch the faces of the kids in this video light up when they become part of the BACA family and understand the commitment each member makes to not “give up, shut up, let up, until I have stayed up, stored up, prayed up, paid up, and showed up for all wounded children.”