Peter Block

In addition to The Abundant Community, co-authored with John McKnight, Peter Block is the author of Flawless Consulting, Community, Stewardship and The Answer to How Is Yes. He serves on the boards of Elementz, a hip hop center for urban youth; Cincinnati Public Radio; and LivePerson. With other volunteers, Peter began A Small Group, whose work is to create a new community narrative and to bring Peter's work on civic engagement into being. Peter's work is in the restoration of communities and creating systems that restore our humanity. He is a partner in Designed Learning, a training company that offers workshops he has designed to build the skills outlined in his books.

Fallibility: The Value of Imperfection

The capacities of an abundant community are the core elements that need to be visible and manifest to create functional families and neighborhoods. One of the capacities of an abundant community is the ability to accept people’s fallibility.   A conspicuous...

More Health, Less Management, Please

The Columbia Journalism Review included in a recent issue a positive report on how health care is reforming. The report is distributed by the Commonwealth Fund. Well meaning, hopeful by design, but interesting to these eyes for its narrow...

Peter Block: On Robert Thompson’s Thought Grenades

Peter chats with Robert Thompson and Mike Neiss about small things with large results for empowering neighborhoods and building community. Listen Here on Thought Grenades.

The Economy Is in Our Hands, We Just Don’t Know It

If you believe the news, the future of the economy is in the hands of President Obama, Chairman Bernanke of the Federal Reserve, Prime Minister Cameron in Britain,  Italian and Greek debt, the G5, BRIC, and everyone else but...

The Fall of JoePa and a Return to Common Sense

On November 9, Joe Paterno, legendary football coach of Penn State, got fired. His boss, the president of Penn State, also got fired. The reason they got fired was that eleven years ago, when they were told that their...

Comment: How Wall Street Occupied America by Bill Moyers

Bill Moyers is one of our strongest voices for democracy and a culture of care for the commons. Read this and weep:  How Wall Street Occupied America by Bill Moyers, The Nation, November 21, 2011. Excerpt posted November 2, 2011 at,0

Is There Too Much Parenting?

I want to open a conversation about parenting. Not about what is good or bad parenting, but rather about the idea that today’s obsession about parenting has gone too far. My qualifications for this discussion are a bit thin. Most...

What in the Name of Reform

I would like to whisper a quiet caution to those of us who are investing in institutional or structural reform efforts. There is an intensifying stream of efforts to reform our institutions. In theUSthere is government reform, education reform,...

Six Conversations That Matter: A Quick Review

There is a great deal written and practiced about creating new conversations, all of which is valuable and holds the same spirit as what is outlined here. For example, for some time there has been an important dialogue movement...