Leslie Osborn

Leslie Osborn an independent consultant who works with leaders committed to making critical changes in their organizations. Her consulting practice is grounded in 20+ years of line leadership in Fortune 500 companies, including Microsoft, Amazon.com and Gannett/USA Today. Her broad business background includes having held both general and functional management positions plus formal training through Pepperdine University’s MSOD program. She is a self-described “natural systems thinker and realist -- an incorrigible progressive, and a bottom-line focused INTP“–– her master’s thesis is titled “Altruistic Love in American Corporations.” She lives with her husband and two children just outside Seattle. Write her at leslieosborn@live.com

Thoughts on John’s Recommended Reading

When I asked John what he would recommend to read,  he gave me the six titles in this list. These books all hail from the 1970s — a period in which social institutions in the U.S. were very much under fire. ...