John McKnight

John McKnight is emeritus professor of education and social policy and codirector of the Asset-Based Community Development Institute at DePaul University. He is the coauthor of Building Communities from the Inside Out and the author of The Careless Society. He has been a community organizer and serves on the boards of several national organizations that support neighborhood development.

“No One Is Doing What You Are Doing”

John comments on the significance of the work Nebraska Community Foundation and its affiliated funds are doing: how they have grown local community development foundations, many in small rural areas, by focusing on what local people can offer to their communities...

Escaping to Freedom of Association and Neighborliness

In his groundbreaking study of American associational life (Bowling Alone, 2000), Robert Putnam found that until the late 1960s, Americans' participation in associational life steadily increased. Beginning in the 70s, this participation began a decline that continues to this...

Local Community and Major Movements

John McKnight video by Social Innovation Generation John explains why all big change grows from the small stuff in local communities.       Video by Social Innovation Generation used with permission. Home page image: Jenny Downing.

Associations and Conspiracies

There's a reason dictators around the world and through time have viewed associations as conspiracies. John reflects on associational life as the most powerful force neighborhoods have to produce positive change and build community.   Related:    John McKnight on Associations (video)   Home page...

True Stories

John tells a story to show the difference between the world of facts, data, systematic information and the community's way of knowing: the story. And the most important thing in strong communities is having true stories, stories that match our experience.    

Sensible Life ~ A Thought

At the last minute, John learned he would be unable to join this year’s Connecting for Community gathering in Cincinnati April 23 – 26. In the email he sent to the participants to express his disappointment at not being...

Flying Down

John reminds us that progress is not all that it seems.     Home page image: Girish Suryawanshi

Modern Mentoring

For decades, mentoring has been a respected and valued approach to assisting youth — usually those thought to be problematic. The typical nature of the activity is a relationship between a volunteer adult and a young person, most frequently a...

The Stranger

A powerful neighborhood is hospitable; it welcomes strangers, people we don't know. John explains the fullness of what that means and how hospitality enriches our lives.     Home page image: Ramashng

Safety and Security: A Neighborhood Necessity

Jane Jacobs — author, activist and icon of the importance of a vital neighborhood — wrote years ago that a safe street is produced by eyes on the street.* It is produced by people walking around, sitting outside, knowing neighbors and...