John McKnight

John McKnight is emeritus professor of education and social policy and codirector of the Asset-Based Community Development Institute at DePaul University. He is the coauthor of Building Communities from the Inside Out and the author of The Careless Society. He has been a community organizer and serves on the boards of several national organizations that support neighborhood development.

Building Wealth for All through Dividend Housing

Building Wealth for All through Dividend Housing Conversation with Margery Spinney ~ May 2, 2019 About every six weeks for the last five years, John and Peter have hosted online / dial-up conversations with community-building social innovators as their guests. For...

Reimagining Community: Conversation with Jonathan Massimi

Making Meaningful Connections Conversation with Jonathan Massimi ~ March 12, 2019 About every six weeks for the last five years, John and Peter have hosted online / dial-up conversations with community-building pioneers as their guests. For their March 12, 2019 dialog...

A Guide for Government Officials Seeking to Promote Productive Citizen Participation

Some years ago I attended the annual Canadian Conference of Community Development Organizations. Several hundred groups were attending. The convener of the conference told me that the best community “developer” in all of Canada was at the conference. He...

Reimagining Community: Conversation with Gary Ivory

Reconnecting Juvenile Offenders and Their Communities Conversation with Gary Ivory ~ January 16, 2019 About every six weeks for the last five years, John and Peter have hosted online / dial-up conversations with community-building pioneers as their guests. For their January...

Who Represents the Neighbor?

One way of understanding who represents a neighbor is their elected representative. Nonetheless, there are other neighborhood groups and associations that claim they also represent the neighbors. In the 50‘s, 60’s and 70’s, the then Mayor Daley in Chicago was...

Changing the Narrative for Community Leadership

Conversation with Paula Ellis ~ November 27, 2018 About every six weeks for the last five years, John and Peter have hosted online / dial-up conversations with community-building pioneers as their guests. For their Novemmber 27, 2018 dialog they invited Paula...

The Civic Legacy of Saul Alinsky

In 1946, Saul Alinsky published Reveille for Radicals. It described the methods he used to create a neighborhood organization that gave a powerful new public voice to the exploited residents in a Chicago neighborhood. His methods quickly spread to many...

Another Other Kingdom

Conversation with Walter Brueggemann ~ October 2, 2018 About every six weeks for the last five years, John and Peter have hosted online / dial-up conversations with community-building pioneers as their guests. For their October 2, 2018 dialog they invited...

The Four Essential Elements of an Asset-Based Community Development Process

Click here to download the full paper The primary goal of an Asset-Based Community Development (ABCD) process is to enhance collective citizen visioning and production. This paper discusses each of four essential elements in detail in an effort to answer...

Money and the Civic Impulse

When you enter the storefront office of a neighborhood organization in Montreal, the first thing you see is a large sign: MONEY Do we really need it? Do we have it here? What can we trade for it? Must we beg for it? The Chairperson...