John McKnight

John McKnight is emeritus professor of education and social policy and codirector of the Asset-Based Community Development Institute at DePaul University. He is the coauthor of Building Communities from the Inside Out and the author of The Careless Society. He has been a community organizer and serves on the boards of several national organizations that support neighborhood development.

John McKnight: Building Grass-Roots Movements

Interview with Hildy Gottlieb of Making Change, podcast of The Chronicle of Philanthropy December 8, 2010 Podcast and full article here.

John McKnight and Peter Block: The Abundant Community

Interview with Wayne Hurlbert on Blog Talk Radio November 23, 2010 Listen to the podcast here.

Don’t Ask Your Doctor How to Live Longer; Ask Hispanic Families

A recent report by the National Center for Health Statistics found that, as of 2006, the life expectancy of U.S. Hispanics at birth is 80.6 years.  This is 2.5 years more than non-Hispanic whites and 8 years more than...

Beware the Invasion of the Needs Surveyors

A friend whom professionals call “disabled” says, ”If you’re coming to help me, you’ve come to the wrong place.  I refuse to fill your need for needs.”  It’s his wry recognition that many people have jobs that depend on...

Repairing Community

In my ancestors’ native Scotland, there were people who were exiled or outcast from their clan.  They were called “broken men.”  They faced a sad destiny wandering the mountains and moors without a community of support or the protection...

Are We Raising Care-less Children?

A powerful community depends upon its members’ willingness to step outside themselves and stand in the shoes of their neighbors.  A name for this ability is empathy. It is the essential bridge that changes the person next door from...

Breaking Barriers to Neighborliness

I have a friend who makes lists of barriers to neighborliness.  His list includes the new ranch houses that don’t have a front porch where neighbors can sit and talk and greet each other. Air conditioning is also on his...

The Art of Neighboring

In North Port, FL, a relatively new community, Don Vande Krol felt he needed to know his neighbors. He distributed an invitation to them to join him and his wife for a "getting to know one another" evening.  From...

What Is a Neighbor?

I was born in 1931 during the Great Depression. We lived in a working class neighborhood in Cincinnati with many country people who had migrated from the hills of Kentucky and Tennessee. Lots of men in my neighborhood were...

Community Defined

To some people, community is a feeling, to some people it's relationships, to some people it's a place, to some people it's an institution. A definition John likes is: Community is a place where people prevail. Here is another one: