Mike Mather is the pastor at Broadway United Methodist Church in Indianapolis. It is his second tenure at Broadway. He served there from 1986-1991 and then he was sent to serve another church named Broadway in South Bend. He came back to the Indianapolis Broadway UMC in 2003. Mike is the author of Sharing Stories, Shaping Community and Having Nothing, Possessing Everything: Finding Abundant Communities in Unexpected Places. In addition to his work in Indianapolis, he often meets with congregations and communities in the US and abroad on community development and engagement.
John McKnight said, “A competent community creates space for what is unknowable about life.” Too often, however, philanthropists and funding opportunities emphasize a desire for outcomes that produce neat, tidy, and predictable deliverables but waste opportunities to learn about...
Broadway United Methodist Church in Indianapolis was the recipient of a grant for anti-poverty work in their predominantly African-American neighborhood. Broadway is a predominantly white organization.
The Learning Tree (a neighborhood organization) which is a collection of neighbors centered around...
Finding Abundant Communities in Unexpected Places
Conversation with Mike Mather ~ June 18, 2019
About every six weeks for the last five years, John and Peter have hosted online / dial-up conversations with community-building social innovators as their guests. For their...
John McKnight has said that he knows of few people who have implemented Asset-Based Community Development more courageously or completely than Mike Mather. Read this excerpt from Mike’s latest book to get a sense of what John means by...
John McKnight has said that he knows of few people who have implemented Asset-Based Community Development more courageously or completely than Mike Mather. In this excerpt from Mike’s latest book, you get a sense of what John means.
One Sunday...
Watch Pastor Mike Mather of Broadway United Methodist Church in Indianapolis tell how one of his congregations started asking different questions, discovered Adele’s gift and got “a lotta great food” as a bonus.
Then join the conversation and share your...