Mark Latta
Mark Latta's profile includes curriculum design, academics, the humanities, policy asset-based work, media. Mark Latta was an assistant professor of English at Marian University and served as the university’s former director of community engaged learning. His research and teaching interests focus on the intersections between community engagement, social change, and the ways literacy is used to resist oppression and enact futures.Latta gained his first experience teaching through an AmeriCorps term of service at Pendleton Juvenile Correctional Facility and remains involved in carceral education as a Women’s College Partnership faculty member.Latta has been involved in numerous social arts projects such as CityWrite, a city-wide memoir project in Indianapolis that has collected the personal stories of over 1,100 people since 2012; the Indy East Art Peace project, an arts-based response to community violence through peacebuilding; I Am East 10th Street, a public art memoir installation relating the stories of those who live and work along east 10th Street; and Moving Stories, an examination of the influence of public narratives on public transportation and transit policy. He currently directs Poetic Justice, a peacebuilding and crime prevention project integrating poetry, creative writing, andasset based community development. Latta holds multiple certifications in asset-based and restorative practices. He is a Ph.D candidate in the Urban Education Studies program at Indiana University Indianapolis.
Friends & Neighbors
When It Comes to Cultivating Connectedness and Social Innovation, Aim For Discoverables, Not Deliverables
John McKnight said, “A competent community creates space for what is unknowable about life.” Too often, however, philanthropists and funding opportunities emphasize a desire for outcomes that produce neat, tidy, and predictable deliverables but waste opportunities to learn about...